Hello there everyone, if anyone actually still follows Kandys blog.
I know a lot of you will know I've been slowly reducing time spent in and involving the game.it has now come to the point where I no longer play at all and haven't since Halloween. I don't expect to be giving up forever, I expect to come back and enjoy playing again but in the mean time I am not.
Kandys owner us obviously a real person, I have my own family, I'm a mother, a housekeeper and a partner amongst many things.
I'm moving onto different projects, I have my first Blythe doll on her way and will be making my own clothes etc for her and customising her. I'll attach a picture of a Blythe to give you idea but if you'd like to follow me on my new blog dedicated to Blythe/doll collecting the URL is www.diabolicaldoll.blogspot.com ..
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Friday, 28 October 2011
Win A Japanese Princess Bundle.

You can win a Japanese Princess Bundle, here I am modelling it for you all :).
All you have to do is the chose a pretty name for my pony (pictured below). The person who picks the prettiest and most suited name to her will win the bundle.

So here's how to win this bundle.
♥ Firstly, click *here* to "like" my Facebook page.
♥ There will be a status stating that this is were you submit your entries.
♥ Comment on that status with the name you chose to name the pony.
The competition will be closed at the end of the weekend.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
1, 2 .. Freddy's coming for you!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN everybody. It's been a long, long time since I updated (sorry!) because life distracted me. I am back and I'm ready to rock these super cute spooky outfits. Let's have it, here I am dressing up in my new cute bundles.
Click here to be taken to my Facebook page as I have a contest to win King Fairy Outfit. Just pick a number and if your number is chosen, you win!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
September Update.
Hello, sorry it's been a while since I last blogged. I have been a bizzy lizzie collecting ponies. So let me begin with a recent photo of myself.

I also adopted my gorgeous, gorgeous new turtle Toto. He is the new addition the Kandy family and he is fitting in really well. He is still really really small so the other petlings have been bullying him a bit. His best friend is the pony but he is not sleeping in the petlings room, he sleeps in a little hut in the berry garden for now because he likes it outside.

I have ponies coming out my ears but so far here are my favourites :)

Make sure you like my Facebook page as I will have pony comps and giveaways coming up very soon.
Monday, 15 August 2011
Meet The Petlings
Pickles The Pig
This is my oldest petling, he's a cute little piggy called Pickles. He was born this colour and despite having 3 petling biscuit bundles, I loves his colour so much - I kept it. I love his big bald head and his cute button eyes. He is always rolling around in mud or no mud. He lives in the treehouse on his hay bed and he even has a TV in there, it's a luxury pig sty :p. He will be moving into the petling room with the other two though I will be buying another pig soon, it may be a girlfriend for Pickles or a play mate :).
Cindy The Unicorn
Cindy is my beautiful, royal Unicorn petling. She is stunning and I love her long peachy coloured hair & tail. Cindy is spoilt, she usually just lies around and waits for things to be brought to her. She doesn't like Pickles but she sometimes plays with Lipsy . Lipsy loves Cindy but she is seen as an annoying baby to Cindy although Cindy sometimes shares her bed with her. Cindy knows she'll always be the only Unicorn in the palace which makes her a bit bratty.
Lipsy The Pony
Lipsy is the youngest of the three petlings, she is a bouncy, playful, fun Pony. She was born purple, then pink but I've kept her white. She loves the other two petlings and looks up to Cindy. She often fights with Pickles so Pickles had his own room but they get on better now so they willbe sharing a room along side Cindy.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
House Update

Here is my beach view garden :). I love the confetti machines and the fountain :D. I don't think this is going to be around for long as I have a room similar to it.

Here is my dressing room, one of my favourite rooms in my house. I got there every time I change my outfit. My petlings also spend a lot of time in there, usually chewing my shoes or wrecking the place haha. It is nice getting ready, doing my make up looking onto busy city life.
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Quick Giveaway.

I am giving away the Oz Prince Bundle. You just have to pick a number from 1-20 and the winner will be chosen through a random number generator.
To enter into this, please click the following link "http://www.facebook.com/pages/Princess-Kandy/201047403286595", like the page and write your number under the Oz Prince post.
Kandys New Favourite Wig

This is my new favourite wig and colour. I just totally love the style of the wig since it's been modified to suit my face better. The colour is my all time favourite colour and I love it on this wig, saying that though .. I won't be wearing it a lot on my hair because I also love blonde.
I am wearing Watermelon dress, shoes & hair ribbons. I am wearing Royal Wedding purse. The wig and dye is from the Crystal Cave digging site.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Lions & Tigers & Bears .... OH MY.
Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Salve, Hola.
As Dorothy finds herself in the mind boggling world of witches, munchkins, flying monkeys, and talking scarecrows .... I find myself in the boutique spending more money *high fives*.
The Wizard Of Oz is without a doubt one of my all time favourite movies. I first watched this movie when I was just a ball of fur and still stick the DVD on these days too. So you can imagine the pure joy I felt when I found clothing bundles inspired by The Wizard Of Oz.
My owner bought me five bundles last night but I only opened one of them to model it and see how it looked because I was really really tired.
Here I am modelling Witch Of The West clothing items.

I am not keen on the clothing and would only wear this on special occasions like Halloween. The broom is really cute though. I love the wig and nipped into my hairdressers to have my hair dyed blonde. I think I'll be wearing this wig a lot.
I wish I could show you all my other outfits but my closet is jammed and I can't open it to get my bundles out :(. I am guessing this is a Casebook (Closet manufacturer) error *winks*, so I will hang around and post when they have fixed it. Stupid Casebook. In the mean time, I am going to get my pyjamas back on and chill out for a while. There's not much for a pet to do when it's torrential rain.
There's No Place Like Home.
There's No Place Like Home.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Kandys Beach Party.

Fashion Rating ★★★★★
I had a brilliant time at my Balcony Beach View Party. Lot's of my friends came over, we had fun dancing, drinking & getting in the hot tub.
Here I am with my friend Pinky. I love Pinkys big blue eyes.

How hot does LollyBee look? I can't believe she came wearing the same out fit as me, from the neck down we are identical. I think her red hair gives her away though.

So ok, yeah, Hideeni turns up in some swimming trunks. "You're not invited, you're a creepy stalker, get out" said LollyBee to him. All the female pets dashed for a towel to wrap around them whilst screaming at the pervert in trunks. Some hunky males escorted him out.

How alike do we look?

Sweetpea arrives looking hawwwtt! She spent the whole night in the hot tub.

As the party was getting over the fact that Hideeni came, someone else comes along. That's right, it was only the Mayor. He too, wasn't invited but he was really cool for once (except when he stripped down to speedos) so we let him stay.

One more thing ..
Seen as though "Jenaphur" is openly discussing me on the forum. I think it is my duty to let all you Pet Society players give you a little insight on the going ons within the mod team.
Hackers - they ruin our game, they are the reason for the horrible preventatives like not being able to send CC items. Nobody likes a hacker.
So how would you feel if I told you that one of these hackers is within the Playfish team? That's right a current moderator once got caught hacking or attempting to hack Playfish Coins. Her name is Jenaphur. Now Jenaphur will openly admit to this but she thinks because it was in the past, nobody should mention it. Sorry to rain on your parade Jenaphur but if you want things like this kept on the down low then don't play with fire.
I bet you're wondering "How is she still a mod? Did the admin not find out?". Oh, admin knew all right but they decided to keep her on none the less. Under the conditions that she never hack or attempt to hack again. Instead, other INNOCENT mods got dropped because Jenaphur is a liar. You see, Jenaphur is a people pleaser, she does/done everything for Bev, compliments, slagging other mods off etc.
She also tried to "suck up" to me when I was a mod, she fought against CST and even asked if the thread could be closed. As soon as I stepped down from moderating, she was actually POSTING in CST.
So there you go Jenaphur. Maybe you'll learn not to openly talk about me like that because remember, I can openly talk too. I know I've kept quiet for a long time and let you all do what you want but here you go, surprise.
Jenaphur is a backstabbing, cheating, hacking, two faced, un loyal witch. & here's your proof.
Jenaphur is the one writing with black font, the person who she is talking to is a non-mod friend.
Admitting & discussing hacking
Click Here
Saying how she sucks up to Bev & gets special messages off Bev if she defends her on the forum.
Click Here
Hackers - they ruin our game, they are the reason for the horrible preventatives like not being able to send CC items. Nobody likes a hacker.
So how would you feel if I told you that one of these hackers is within the Playfish team? That's right a current moderator once got caught hacking or attempting to hack Playfish Coins. Her name is Jenaphur. Now Jenaphur will openly admit to this but she thinks because it was in the past, nobody should mention it. Sorry to rain on your parade Jenaphur but if you want things like this kept on the down low then don't play with fire.
I bet you're wondering "How is she still a mod? Did the admin not find out?". Oh, admin knew all right but they decided to keep her on none the less. Under the conditions that she never hack or attempt to hack again. Instead, other INNOCENT mods got dropped because Jenaphur is a liar. You see, Jenaphur is a people pleaser, she does/done everything for Bev, compliments, slagging other mods off etc.
She also tried to "suck up" to me when I was a mod, she fought against CST and even asked if the thread could be closed. As soon as I stepped down from moderating, she was actually POSTING in CST.
So there you go Jenaphur. Maybe you'll learn not to openly talk about me like that because remember, I can openly talk too. I know I've kept quiet for a long time and let you all do what you want but here you go, surprise.
Jenaphur is a backstabbing, cheating, hacking, two faced, un loyal witch. & here's your proof.
Jenaphur is the one writing with black font, the person who she is talking to is a non-mod friend.
Admitting & discussing hacking
Click Here
Saying how she sucks up to Bev & gets special messages off Bev if she defends her on the forum.
Click Here
Slagging Bev off & revealing private information about Playfish
& Here
Wishing to be admin.
Discussing hacking.
Click Here
Giving a forum member a private admin password so they can see the items early.
Sending more information obtained privately from admin. Why is she still a mod?
Just being a bitch
Click Here
My Playfish Experience
Hello everyone this is Kandys owner *waves*.This is a one-off post by myself and after this posts from Kandy will commence (don't worry haha).
Let's start with the fact I was an active forum member on the Playfish forum. I took the opportunity to moderate the forums for a few months earlier this year. I am very passionate about Pet Society as a game and the beautiful friends I have made through my gaming/forum experience. As some of my regular blog readers will all ready now, I have taken it upon myself to have my forum account deactivated. I would like to explain why this was ....
Since early 2009 I have been posting on the forum, sharing tips, pictures, seeking information, making friends, gifting people, trading. January 2011 approaches, almost 2 years since I signed up to the forum & started playing Pet Society. I get an e-mail asking if I would like to moderate the Pet Society forum. I jumped at the chance as would anybody who loved the game and loved the forum. Everything was well, I made friends with other moderators & enjoyed using my moderating tools.
Around a month or so into being a mod, I (& a couple of other mods) started receiving very nasty posts from members of CST (imagine Lucifer's children creating a cult and you're near the mark). At first, these comments were mainly from Sulllen (Emily Jean Peters) & Pixxxxie (Brogan). Nobody could figure out why they were doing this as I had no contact with these members.
Things got increasingly worse within the mod team and with the bullying from the forum members. Moderators (most of them at this point) wanted more to be done about the bullying but things were getting put off and we all felt like the fact these members were paying customers was more important than the fact I was getting bullied.
Some evidence of admin beating around the bush about dealing with the bullying.
Please note how she went from wanting to ban these users to "not having enough evidence". Please note how she also thought that information was being leaked about me within the mod team and done nothing about it.
The mod being discussed was a mod who leaked information about me to CST members and also encouraged the bullying.
The PM she said would be sent in the first part was never sent and the 2nd part just show the professionalism of this person (or lack of).
Community Manager started talking to me a lot, I think as a way to sweeten me up and stop me from complaining about the bullying. She spoke to me about other moderators and she told me about an admin job that was coming up. Instead of going into it I will paste some links here to screenshots.
Here is evidence of being told about the admin job, which by the way I never got. Isn't it funny as soon as I spoke out against her I wasn't "right" for the job. I am a morally good person and when I see a forum being run badly, I will speak out.
Some proof of Helle (Fjoller) & Jenaphur encouraging bullying etc. This is to do with another mod.
Things obviously got worse within the team and with the bullying. Trolling accounts were made to troll me. "CaptainOfUrMom" and another forum name. Illusionist exposed Pixxxie (Brogan) as the troller. They trolled my forum profile, posting pictures of girls
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Vogue, Vogue.
Can you believe I was on the cover of Pet Vogue? Oh ... it was so much fun and the highlight of my modelling & fashion career. I done a great interview too and the woman was so kind. I was dressed as the dancing pet figurine. It was really hard to get the purple body paint off when I got home.
I met the mayor in the vogue building while I was there, he was doing a shoot too but you don't want to know what he was wearing. I am still cringing now. Just imagine an OAP thinking he looks good, posing in speedos.
Hot Chica!

Fashion Rating ★★★★★
I went to the Boutique & bought the new Mon Petit Cheri bundle. I wasn't sure about the wig at first but I really like it now. I obviously went to Bambi, my hairdresser to get it dyed my usual colour. I've been carrying my phone and make up in my cute little bag. I am for sure going to get this set in white too. My owner said my designer taste is really expensive, I know she loves seeing me in my wonderful clothes though.
Here's some more snaps since I bought the outfit.
Visiiting Sweetpea, I often think we look alike especially when we have the same clothes.

She's *so* cute.

This is me at a beach party, I was the first one there and got drunk really early on and ended up falling straight out of that tub. My owner wasn't impressed OOPS!

Monday, 1 August 2011
Sunday, 31 July 2011
WIN!! A Luxury Spa Package!

Hello everyone. Does your pet need to slap a mud pack on, put 2 soggy cucumbers on their eyes and jump in a candle lit relaxing spa tub whilst drinking champagne & reading a magazine?
If so, I have 2 Spa Packages to giveaway and some other prizes. All you have to do is answer some questions about me. Here's the rules.
- Anyone can apply
- All answers must be sent via Private Message to this (my owners) Facebook account. (They have to be sent privately because other people can steal your answers)
- The top 2 people with the highest answers who send them first will win the 2 packages.
- There will be random prizes sent to others no matter what their score is using a random generator.
- All entries need to be in by the 1st August!

All the items in this picture will be given to the top 2 winners.
♥ What colour hair does Kandy usually have?
♥ How old is Kandy?
♥ Name 2 places Kandy has been on Vacation.
♥ Who sent Kandy the Dr Pepper Bunny outfit?
♥ Name one pet Kandy met in New York.
♥ What is Kandys Pony called?
♥ What is Kandys Pig called?
Friday, 29 July 2011
Luxury Cruise Week & More......

So, I was talking to * who owns the Boutique, she knows how much I love Mon Petit Cheri clothes so gave me the news there is going to be some hot new clothes coming in store next week. I am close friends with * so she let me have a sneak preview in the magazine of the Mon Petit Cheri Poolside outfits. I am in love with the wig, bag and bathing suit, I know my owner will buy me both bundles and I can't wait to show you all. I also love the floor lights, cushions & flowers. This week reminds me of the luxury week we had a few months ago.
Rate My Pet Update

I have decided that if I rate anyone a *10* out of 10 stars, they will receive a CC item as a prize for looking so amazing. If you would like me to rate your pet then make sure you add a link under any of te blog posts or click here to post on the forum.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Kandy Rates Your Pet ♥ - Kitty Kat

Pets Name ♥ Kitty Kat
Gender ♥ Female
Owners Name ♥ NaughtyAngelGirl

Outfit: The dress, hair clip & ear rings match perfectly. Kitty Kat looks like a *real*
Kandy Rates Your Pet ♥ - KC

Pets Name ♥ KC
Gender ♥ Female
Owners Name ♥ Bebiringas

Outfit: KC is looking really colourful here. I love the colours against her hair colour and I like how she has matched the headband with the dress and shoes despite it not being part of the same set :). I'm going to be really picky
Spoiled Princess.

Check me out in my new clothes. My good friend Bobo sent me the bundle, isn't that nice? I even changed my (usually pink) lipstick to match it. I really really love the OTK socks and shoes. My best friend Lollybee sent me the red dye table, I haven't had much of a chance to play with it yet but I did use it for my Willy Wonka outfit and loved the colours.
(Dr Pepper Bunny Outfit)
(Dr Pepper Bunny Outfit)

How funny do I look dressed up? I sometimes like to mess around and dress up in character, I especially love my hair in this picture, I look like a pudding.
Oh & if you would like to read my owners personal blog, just ask for the link.

Here I am having a good old bounce on my jelly, it's the funniest thing ever and I very glad & thankful my beautiful friend Sweetpea sent me it. She came over to have a shot on it too - she almost bounced out the window!

Here I am having a good old bounce on my jelly, it's the funniest thing ever and I very glad & thankful my beautiful friend Sweetpea sent me it. She came over to have a shot on it too - she almost bounced out the window!
I am going to finish my cup of tea now and get into bed with my petlings, my pony is sick at the moment it's such a shame.
K x
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Angel Gardens

This is my angel garden/cemetery. It's a beautiful place to go and reflect on pet life. I especially love the beautiful water fountain.

Here I am in Angel Garden. I am wearing the bride wig, White Queen head piece, Goddess dress & shoes & my wings were a gift from a friend. I am in love with the whole outfit.
Fashion Rating ★★★★★
Kandy Rates Your Pet ♥ - Grüni

Pets Name ♥ Grüni
Gender ♥ Female
Owners Name ♥ Tine

Outfit: Gruni looks amazing. I am totally in love with the whole outfit. She looks like a beautiful fairy. I think it would have looked better without
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