Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Salve, Hola.
As Dorothy finds herself in the mind boggling world of witches, munchkins, flying monkeys, and talking scarecrows .... I find myself in the boutique spending more money *high fives*.
The Wizard Of Oz is without a doubt one of my all time favourite movies. I first watched this movie when I was just a ball of fur and still stick the DVD on these days too. So you can imagine the pure joy I felt when I found clothing bundles inspired by The Wizard Of Oz.
My owner bought me five bundles last night but I only opened one of them to model it and see how it looked because I was really really tired.
Here I am modelling Witch Of The West clothing items.

I am not keen on the clothing and would only wear this on special occasions like Halloween. The broom is really cute though. I love the wig and nipped into my hairdressers to have my hair dyed blonde. I think I'll be wearing this wig a lot.
I wish I could show you all my other outfits but my closet is jammed and I can't open it to get my bundles out :(. I am guessing this is a Casebook (Closet manufacturer) error *winks*, so I will hang around and post when they have fixed it. Stupid Casebook. In the mean time, I am going to get my pyjamas back on and chill out for a while. There's not much for a pet to do when it's torrential rain.
There's No Place Like Home.
There's No Place Like Home.
is that for SALE???....