Hey everyone.
I arrived in New York at dinner time 2 days after leaving Paris. I checked into the hotel and headed up to the hotel room. I peeked in the bathroom to see a beautiful Jacuzzi, I couldn't resist so jumped straight in. I thought I'd better check my emails so turned the laptop on to find a bottle of wine next to it. Again, I couldn't resist (petalcoholic?) so relaxed with a glass of wine checking out the view of Manhattan.

After 3 glasses of wine, I was ready to roll & go do some partying. I put my dress on that I bought from Paris and got a Cab to FunkyFriskos down in New York. I knew some of my friends were in NYC at the time and this was a favourite spot for them so was hoping to bump into a few pals.
As I walked into the club, grabbed a drink & sat down, my good friend Aqua (who lives in my neighborhood) came over to greet me. He bought me a drink and told me he was in NYC for the night. He soon waltzed off after a brunette chick in a tight little number.

I went over to the Jukebox and to my surprise, my other neighbour, Polly was hanging out near the Jukebox. She said she was on vacation and is loving NYC, she was also modelling some pretty flowers that some guy gave her in the club.

As it got to the end of the night, I thought that the night went pretty good and wasn't as crazy as I thought. That was until some naked girl came into the club & approached me, security soon took her out but she was crazy! The word around town was that she was a bit of a go-er ;)

This really put me in a weird mood so I ended up drinking a LOT of drinks at the bar, the next thing I know I am falling over and needing help getting me into the cab. Not the best way to end my trip in NY but certainly quite a wild night for a little old pet ;).

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